What are the benefits of practicing yoga?

 Regular Yoga practice can help you overcome and prevent many stresses, strains, aches, and pains.

It promotes a firm foundation for health and well-being. Iyengar recognised that all bodies are unique and have different strengths and weaknesses. Therefore we advocate the use of props – blocks, chairs, belts, and blankets to help students to gain the correct alignment suitable for their individual body. This ensures that asanas could be practiced safely and harmoniously.

BKS Iyengar, who died at the age of 95, may be proof that the benefits are plentiful! A regular Iyengar practice can help to:  

  • improve physical and psychological health

  • alleviate postural/structural problems

  • release emotional tension

  • increase focus and concentration

  • increase your energy

  • reconnect with your body and breath

  • bring intelligence and clarity to all parts of the body and mind.

Classes are carefully sequenced and students learn through a systematic program of asana (posture). Teachers gradually introduce Pranayama (breath control) once students have a firm foundation of yoga practise. It is a practice suitable for everyone, regardless of level of fitness.